Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Twitter Tuesday: The World's First "Twinterview" (Featuring Aliya S. King)

So, in an attempt to actually follow through with the some of the wacky ideas that come out of the Fish&Spaghetti lab, we present our first "Twinteview".

And who better to be the first subject of a "Twinterview" than the person who gave me my first big break into the writing business? (That's right, when I'm not busy overthinking the minutiae that determines why one fictional, television housekeeper is better than the other, I actually write for real publications that pay me actual money).

It's Aliya S. King!

Award winning Journalist, Author, Blogger and all around renaissance woman. She was part of the editing team at The Source (during what many consider to be the glory days of the magazine) and she's penned countless freelance works for other notable publications inluding Vibe, america, King, Black Enterprise, Essence and many others. she's the co-author of Faith Evans' memoir as well as Frank Lucas' soon to be released biography and she recently sold her first novel. Yeah, get to know her.

Yesterday, I reached out to her in an attempt to interview her on twitter (Twinterview, get it?), and this is what happened:

Fish_Spaghetti@aliyasking: #twinterview, so you've really taken to blogging. i know you're super busy, so what made you take it up?

Divalicious615: May the 4th be with you. Happy Star Wars Day! Celebrate it proudly, young padawans.

We can stop right here and note that people butted in during the interview, granted I replied to that comment, I couldn't resist, anytime a cute chick refrences Star Wars my ears perk up like a pavlovian dog, so try and mine through these distractions because there are others.

Fish_Spaghetti@Divalicious615: that's a nerdy ass update, yo. i like it though.

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: I was afraid of it. In general, if I'm scared of something, it means I need to hold my breath and do it

Fish_Spaghetti@aliyasking: #twinterview, did you feel that way jumping from magazines to books too? are you gonna hold your breath and try any other things

NakedWithSocks@aliyasking: you're married??? lol

THAT interuption isn't my fault, but that's the beauty of "Twinterview", so lets keep it moving.

aliyasking@NakedWithSocks: you know i'm deleting that Tweet in 30 seconds.

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: oh god, you are killing me with this one. I was away this weekend. an idea for a book came to me.... cont'd.

Fish_Spaghetti@aliyasking: it's supposed to be challenging. interview relegated to 140 characters. it's like a haiku

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: It felt right. Like a really good book. But I'm scared. It's way out of my comfort zone. requires research. so...i'm scared.

aliyaskingR: @solangeknowles: why do people lie about having weave? what's the big fucking deal? hmmm???

I have to stop right here and explain that between that tweet and my next question there was like a 5 minute gap because, as you can read HERE, I have a huge, Junior Highschool style crush on Solange.

The idea that I'm litterally 1 degree of seperation from her blew my mind.

I'm just putting it out there, I want Solange. I would do almost anything if Aliya S. King or anyone else can help set up a date with her and me. So anyway...

Fish_Spaghetti@aliyasking: ?uest love said twitter is about to replace blogs, what do you think?

Divalicious615@Fish_Spaghetti: LOL I'm a proud Star Wars geek. I could watch it all day!

Yeah...That's it baby. Use the force.

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: unless they extend the word count to 1400 words, Twitter won't replace MY blog.

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: you forgot your #twinterview hash tag.

NakedWithSocks@aliyasking: lol....

This was a distraction that I didnt' need. I spent precious seconds trying to figuring out what was so "LOL" worthy. Is it me? Her? The "Twinterview" in general or something that she posted and deleted? Thanks a lot Naked With Socks On, now I'm all distracted.

Fish_Spaghetti: i think i need to restructure the way i do "twinterview", this is almost a disaster.

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: I'm proud of you for jumping in and doing it. all this kind of stuff has to get kinks taken out.

Fish_Spaghetti@aliyasking: #twinterview, how did you quit smoking? i'm trying to quit still. you got any advice?

FrankieNichelle @Fish_Spaghetti: maybe do it via DM?

Frankie chiming in, right on cue.

Fish_Spaghetti@FrankieNichelle: NO! this is supposed to be like interviewing someone in a crowded bar.

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: Let's see. I know my experience is v. different than others. I quit cold turkey in the summer of '04...

I don't know what that "v." was.


aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: I'm not a super religious person. But I did pray to whatever gods may be for strength to give it up.

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: I was also on some super-empowerment stuff at the time. I gave up five vices in the same time period.

FrankieNichelle@Fish_Spaghetti: why is it a disaster then? if the crowded bar vibe is what you want, you gotta put on your big girl panties & deal with it.

Big girl panties? c'mon...

Fish_Spaghetti@aliyasking: #twinterview,why do you think king folded? i have a decent theory i think.(I can't wait to read a 140 character reply to that)

aliyasking: v. proud of this young man. please, please read and re-tweet. http://bit.ly/e9IeR.

I thought that was directed at me, it wasn't. I had an unwarranted blush over that comment and even thought about deleting it but whatever. It happened.

Fish_Spaghetti@aliyasking: #twinterview, fyi, there's only 1 more question left.

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: because advertising dollars, slumping in recession, could no longer support it. pretty simple, at least I think.

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: I'm chilling... i like being Twinterviewed.

Fish_Spaghetti@aliyasking: #twinterview, ok, last question: what's the worst thing about twitter?

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: it will not get me any closer to completing, (or for that matter STARTING) my second novel...

Fish_Spaghetti@aliyasking: thanks a lot.

aliyasking oh my god. hotness. i will totally edit audio if you want. hotness.

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: i want to give a shout-out!

Again, I thought this was to me, I thought she wanted to "shout out" the blog, but I think she meant that she wanted to give a generic "Shout Out", like the ones people give out when they win a contest on the radio.

aliyasking: Chris Brown always had a wildness in his eyes that made me think he was going to go for bad.


Fish_Spaghetti: so thats it my twiggas. like everything else i do, "Twinterview" was clunky, hard to follow and a near debacle. but that's why it was cool

aliyasking@Fish_Spaghetti: I'm honored! Thanks for having me!

So there you have it.

Aliya S. King has a really, really cool blog called aliyasking.wordpresss.com, she tells stories, makes comments about general pop culture things and has an amazingly candid and helpful advice for aspiring writers. I highly recommend that you all check it out.


  1. Damn Twitter. But a cool read.Going to peep her blog now.

  2. wow...impressive resume.
    Doing the running man over to her blog…

  3. oh who am I kidding with that 2 sentence response...

    I was shocked and appalled to learn that "Divalicious" was a Star Wars fan. I'll never look at her the same again. Every time I read a Star Wars tweet from someone, I cringed. That movie brings back some horrible memories....

    *insert dream sequence-like flash back*

    It was 7th grade at {insert junior high school name here because I went to 5 different junior high schools in 2 different states so I don't remember the names}. The school decided to give us a free Friday for having good test scores (or maybe the teachers needed a break from us). Anyway, there were 5 different rooms showing 5 different movies. I had a crush on this uber nerd Kevin. He was HARDCORE. I bet he still wears a Tron tshirt, has action figures, and speaks Klingon. He chose to go in the room showing the Star Wars movie. Of course I followed him thinking this movie was so boring that we’d be able to do some flirting. Well, he was wayyy into the movie. I guess I was bored shitless because when I woke up covered in drool 2 hours later, the entire class was gone except Jeannie who let me know that I SNORED the entire time, completely turning Kevin off. Needless to say, I transferred schools.

    I HATE STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!!! (ever thought about a star wars vs star trek face off?)

    aliyasking: @solangeknowles: why do people lie about having weave? what's the big fucking deal? hmmm???

    That’s a good damn question! I proudly admit that I wear a weave. My dad is mixed, but I ain’t fooling nobody with this 18 inch paradise curl…and don’t even get me started on how I’d go up in flames if heat ever touched this weave. Last thing I need is some dude running his fingers through “my” hair and thinking I have some kinda scalp disorder cuz he feels lumps from my braids and track lines.

    I don’t think twitter could ever replace blogs. You can’t really be creative, colorful, or give yourself an identity via twitter. It’s too cluttered. ?uestLove should stick to rambling and whining about sandwiches or whatever he rambles and whines about. I think that’s what I love most about him….OBVIOUSLY!

    A ‘LOL’ distracted you? ADHD, anyone?

    Kinda sounds like I’m telling you to quit smoking via DM…

    As far as quitting goes, I know like 4 people who quit after watching the Rolando Martinez commercial that used to air in NYC.

    I think v. might mean “very”…maybe.

    Actually, after writing that “big girl panties” comment, I wrote “umm kinda regretting that big girl panties tweet. What do you say when it’s a guy—spiderman briefs??” then I deleted it because the follow-up tweet was more WTF than the original tweet about big girl panties.

    Good twiterview! It really did have a crowded bar feel to it. I love that...very unfiltered. I wish I understood that the purpose of posting this is for us to READ the twiterview and not answer the questions ourselves. I’M SICK! THIS SELF ABSORBEDNESS IS JUST DOWNRIGHT DISGUSTING!! What is WRONG with me!?

    UGH maybe comments should have a 140 character limit. btw that's what I hate most about twitter, but at the same time, it's challenging.

  4. Frankie Nichelle and her "mini blog" everyone, lol.

  5. First of all, Frankie needs to get a blog. 'Cause she's hella funny.

    Okay, so I loved this post. Had me cracking up.

    I had no idea I was supposed to, you know, stop Twittering while being Twitterviewed. (I like Twitterview better than Twinterview. Change it. Just kidding. But not really.)

    So, I was doing a million other things while responding.

    (Including, responding to other people..)

    I thought you were going to just gather my quotes and run them in an edited, orderly fashion on your blog...

    I totally didn't get it. Cause I'm kind of a loser in Twitterville.

    At first, I read this and cringed. Everything was coming out so wrong. And stilted. And weird.

    And then, I realized. Hey, this is some kind of genius. It was totally like we were in a crowded bar.

    Loved it.

    Honored to be the first to be Twitterviewed.

    Much love...


  6. i actually like "twitterview" better than "twinterview" too. it's too late to change it though i think.

  7. Thanks!


  8. Good twitter-view twinterview lmao..I cannot seem to grow to liek twitter much.



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