After This Debacle, we put Chet back on CD/DVD alphabetizing duty indefinitely.
Sometime last week he came back to the manor with my yummy lunch from Mo’s (shameless plug) and dropped a CD from Ill Mondo and Neal Rames! on my desk as well.
Neal Rames! is a white rapper. I’m not really a fan of white boys rapping. I like Cage’s Smut Peddlers stuff with Mr. Eon (Hi & Mighty), Eminem (especially The Eminem Show) and a smattering of others.
In my opinion, except the aforementioned, most white rappers have little to no flavor and their approach is so academic and sterile it turns me off. I’m also a reformed Hip-Hop snob, so all that “real Hip-Hop” stuff they often subscribe to bothers me as well. In light of that, I’ll try to remain as objective as possible- but don’t count on it.