You all know of New Years Resolutions work. Around the first of the year everyone makes hollow promises to themselves (and occasionally others) to become better people.
Resolutions typically include any of the following; losing weight, eating better, quitting smoking, giving up "hard" drugs, wearing condoms when shagging prostitutes and divesting from the trafficking of humans
Roughly a year ago I offered up my resolutions. Six months ago I revisited them. Now that the procrastinations done, let's see how things shook out.
(But since no one wants to end the year on a down note, I've taken the liberty of revising some of my more lofty resolutions resolutions to more reasonable deeds.)
Write More - I did write more. There was basically a post every other day in 2011. That's quite the improvement over 2010. I'm totally willing to call this one a success.
Get a TV - Yup, I got this one covered. I've got a tv. Now I can watch shows like Community and 30 Rock on something that's not my laptop.