Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Morning Quarterback – Josh Hutcherson & Haim

I love episodes like this.  When you get a known quantity hosting SNL things can get predictable (Timberlake will sing and dance, Miley will attempt controversy, Bruce Willis will play on his toughness.)  But Josh Hutcherson, what does anyone really know about the guy, besides The Hunger Games? 

Going in I thought Hutcherson would either impress or bomb.  I’m a very Black/white type of guy, so there’s no middle ground with me.  And would Saturday Night Live’s writers be coasting on fumes before the Thanksgiving break? 

Let’s find out, shall we? 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Morning Quarterback – Lady Gaga

When SNL has a person pulling double duty, as host and musical guest, it can pretty much go one of two ways.  It can prompt the writers to think outside of the box or can cause them to crawl into their comfort zones with established bits. 

I’ve got zero expectations for Lady Gaga.  I know she’s huge, but I’m generally only familiar with her from her appearances on Saturday Night Live.  Since it’s there was a week off, I am sort of expecting a good episode, but Gaga kind of tempers that. 

Let’s get this over with. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Munchies – Popcorn, Indiana’s White Fudge Hot Cinnamon Drizzlecorn

It’s the time of year when new flavors of familiar snacks begin hitting the shelves.  The quality is never really guaranteed; sometimes it’s a revelation, sometimes it’s an atrocity.  But what is pretty much guaranteed is that I’m going to pick it up and try it out. 

Popcorn, Indiana has been pretty consistently not terrible with their last few offerings.  While I may not have fully enjoyed every bite of a given variety, I’m pretty sure that they’ve never really struck out. 

Will they hold true to form? 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Morning Quarterback – Kerry Washington & Eminem

I used to have a huge crush on Kerry Washington.  She totally reminds me of my ex, but in a very cute way.  Like, in the perfect way possible.  Ok, so I still have a crush on Kerry Washington.  Basically I’m excited to see her hosting SNL. 

It makes sense that she’s hosting for a couple reasons.  First, she’s on a pretty popular show that you may have heard of, Scandal.  Secondly, Saturday Night Live has gotten a ton of negative attention from their lack of diversity, specifically the lack of Black women on the cast for the past few years. 

Oh, also Eminem is there, so there’s that. 


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