I’ll readily admit that when I shop, I shop like I’m high. I would be lying if said that after going to the store I had a snack to foodstuffs ratio of under 2 to 1. The grocery store for me is an almost Zen like experience; I exist only in the now.
As such I end up taking risks that a normal person wouldn’t take. One of those risks was Chex Mix Teriyaki.
Now, I like Chex Mix. I like it despite the fiasco of when my parents tried to whip up a homemade batch of the stuff. The end result was uneven and sort of clumpy, kind of like Rihanna’s current hairstyle. It was a dark period for my family.
Still, I persevered and my love for Chex Mix never waned. As a fan of “crunchy” that stuff never fails. And it’s packed with flavor.
I’m also a fan of teriyaki, I’ll order it whenever it’s available. My favorite thing to order at the Yokohama Rice Bowl; Teriyaki Chicken Bowl.
Naturally you can imagine my elation at discovering Chex Mix Teriyaki at my local 7 Eleven. I mean, it’s two things that I love “crunch” and “teriyaki.” Plus it was in that seductive black and purple package. Is it possible that I’d found my dream snackfood?
Nope. Not even close.
First off, instead of the standard pretzels, this blend features wasabi peas and sesame crackers. The crunch quotient stays basically the same, but the mix doesn’t mesh well together.

And what’s worse is that it’s sort of bland. It’s almost like the General Mills lab techs were trying to replicate teriyaki from artificial components and they came up at least one ingredient short. I don’t know that it tastes like, but it ain’t teriyaki.
It’s probably because I love teriyaki and Chex Mix so much that Chex Mix Teriyaki is so disappointed. I was so exited to try it out that I put way too much in mouth when first trying out, which literally flooded my mouth with letdown.
Chex Mix Teriyaki is the snack equivalent of a pizza cookie; individually those things are phenomenal, but combined it’s disgusting and will only cause you to lose your faith Quetzalcoatl.
"flooded my mouth with let down" HA!