Once again I've participated in AMC's Best Picture Showcase. Nine films spread across the last two Saturdays in February. It's a challenge, but once again I've bested it.
What follows is my crude attempt to break down the films and spot similar themes.
5.5 - Number of films set at least 40 years ago.

5 - Number of films where parenting figures prominently into the plot.

4 - Number of films where a World War plays a role.
3.5 - Number of films set within the last decade.

3 - Number of films that feature kids with "daddy" issues.
3 - Number of films where a major lesson is that "there are things more important than money."
3 - Number of films that feature ridiculously cartoonish villains.
3- Number of films that do not feature at least one of the following; John Goodman, Brad Pitt, Viola Davis, Jessica Chastain or Tom Hiddleston.
3 - Number of films that reference the making of films.
3 - Number of films featuring children as the leads.
2.5 - Number of films set in the 1920's.

2 - Number of films set in Paris.
2 - Number of films that feature anthropomorphic animals.
2 - Number of films in which Brad Pitt teaches someone how to hit.
2 - Number of films that feature Brad Pitt doing a barely adequate job as a parent.
2 - Number of cool cameos by films directors.

1 - Number of films that completely turned off the majority of the audience.
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