Friday, August 12, 2011

Remembering - My Favorite Bowl

I hadn't planned on writing anything today.  Last night, for about a second, I thought how cool it'd be to having something up on the blog for every day this week.  Then I came to my senses.

However just ten minutes ago, the world as I knew it ended.

I broke my favorite bowl.

I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous, but I genuinely loved that bowl.  I'd had that bowl for over eight years.  It was one of my most cherished possessions, which is funny because I sort of stole it from a roommate.

Ok, I didn't "steal" it.  I just kept using it to the point that it became "my bowl."   It was the perfect size bowl.  It could hold anything, ice cream, soup, cereal.  It was wonderful.  I'm still in shock as I type this.

Beyond being the perfect bowl, it was also a memento from a cool time in my life; my time with my Vegas roommate.  It was a pretty awesome chapter in my life story and that bowl was a link has been severed.

I'm actually texting back and forth with her right now, because she's the only other person in the world who knows what that bowl means to me.

In it's time that bowl has probably seen over a thousand servings of ice cream, including every flavor featured in Monday Munchies.  It was the bowl that held the soup I ate when I was sick.  It was the bowl that held the oatmeal I ate when I needed some warming up or something to start the day.  Recently it'd held my experimentation with eating cereal with milk substitutes, like Coconut and Almond Dream.  It really felt like we were entering a new phase in our relationship. And now it's all over.

At least I know I made the most out of my last day with my bowl; I had two bowls of ice cream today.

As with anything I look back with regrets.  I was gathering up stray dishes to wash off and I looked at my bowl and thought about taking it on that trip.  But I reconsidered, thinking I'd grab it on the next trip.

Only there was no next trip.  Less than half an hour later, my bowl hit the floor with a crash.

That bowl was practically part of my daily routine and now it's gone.  My bowl has been broken into several pieces and I feel equally shattered.


  1. I'd totally glue it back together. It looks like a clean break.

    How was the almond milk? I'm tempted to try it, but it doesn't come in those school milk carton sizes for me to sample.

    My condolences...



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