I'm still a fan of Twitter. Though I haven't been on in a few days, I still find it to be an excellent way to waste time on the internet. Because I mean, really, pseudo friendships are just so much easier to maintain than the real thing.
And I'm on Twitter primarily for the entertainment value. I'm not looking to network or politic. I'm not ambitious like that, I'm a slacker. I'm following comedians, the occasional hip hop artist and comic book creators. Oh and hot chicks.
Still, I do wish that people had more imagination on Twitter. For instance I'm following tony_almeida and j_bauer who totally stay in character and are thoroughly entertaining.

But there's not enough of that going on.
I dropped Borat and Zaius13 is touch and go when it comes to being true to the character.

Basically, I wish that more creative people would get on Twitter.
For instance I'd be way slayed if someone created an account for Frank "TJ" Mackey from Magnolia.

He was such a powerful character he seems tailor made for being on Twitter. Having him tweet his Seduce and Destroy rhetoric would be phenomenal and hilarious.
Another dope character that I'd follow in a heartbeat is Max Fischer.

Given the depth of the character and his numerous interests you'd think it would provide plenty of fodder for twits. Max Fischer would be Twitter gold!
But the character that I want to see on Twitter more than any other is Blake. Personally I find Blake to be one of the finest characters ever immortalized on film.

I would kill to see Blake dressing people down on Twitter. "You call yourself a Twitterer you sonufabitch?" Dude, I'm telling you, Blake on Twitter would be a dream come true.
Now I'm sure I could do all of that myself, but I'm not so much a doer as I am a thinker. I mean I can't commit to consistent facial hair, much less the creation of an entirely different Twitter persona.
Still hopefully someone will read this, pick up the ball and run with it.
My personality (note: NOT ego) is too enormous to pretend to be someone else...especially a movie character that must stay in character. Anyone who could do that is just awesome! that's like creating a fake myspace page to add your boyfriend's on again/off again fuck buddy to see if he leaves her comments. you gotta create a new email address, get fake pics, enough friends to keep you from looking suspicious, AND fill in all those questions like what type of music, movies, books, etc. you like. wait...that's a whole 'nother topic in and of itself....and I totally never did that. ever.
The Simpsons characters were cute at first, but now they're just annoying. I love orangeoscar though!
Aside from movie/tv characters on twitter, I'm following a lot of random characters like the_swine_flu, the_bird_flu, and pissedoffoldguy. They're pretty cool.
and yea, Skip you've been missing in action. I was getting concerned...mostly because you are (or were...before you got downgraded due to little to no twit activity) my favoritest twatter!