Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday Munchies - Doritos Jacked Test Flavor: 2653

If there's one thing we love at Fission Spaghetti Industries, it's new snack foods.  Any time we see them on the shelf we grab them and immediately try them out.  It's fun and exciting.

Of course the danger with trying something new is that you may not like it.  But c'mon, are you going to let fear run your life?  Are you going to let fear make your decisions for you?  What kind of life is that?

Anyway, we saw the Doritos Test Flavors and we knew we had to try them out.

Being the longtime Doritos fan that I am, I'm always excited to try new Doritos flavors because I'm secretly hoping that one day they'll bring back Jumpin Jack Cheese Doritos (which they apparently did last year and I missed out.)  My point is that I support their experimentation because that might pay off in the future.

The whole thing about the "Jacked" brand is that the chips are larger and thicker than normal Doritos.  I guess that Doritos HQ had received torrents of complaints about the size and thickness of the chips that necessitated the brand offshoot.

Personally I like the size and thickness of Doritos.  I don't need a chip that I can't devour in one bite.  Taking a bite of a snack chip makes me feel like a dainty schoolchild and I don't care for that feeling.

As for the mystery Test Flavor 2653 right off the bat it's intimidating.  The chip itself is covered in the flavor, which is rather dark, giving the chip a powerful appearance.  Even before tasting it I was asking myself "are you ready for this?"  Of course not knowing anything about the actual flavor didn't help things either.

The actual flavor of the chip is powerful but not overwhelming.  It's spicy enough to have a kick, but not enough trigger a negative reaction.  It's smoky and it lingers a bit in the backend, which might be troubling to some.  It's definitely got a Southwest influence and is vaguely reminiscent of mole.

I can say that I'm not a fan of this particular flavor.  It's not offensive, but it's also not something that I'd seek out again.

As for the chip, it's the standard Jacked chip; big and thick.

If you like spicy ships, give Test Flavor 2653 (the blue label) a shot.  It might be up your alley.

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