Friday, January 16, 2009

Obama Can Get You Paid (Pt.2)

Yahoo News reports today that apparently, People Are Betting on whether or not Obama will use certain words in his inaugural speech.

according to Swedish online betting site
The site is listing the odds and taking bets on the likelihood of Obama using certain words like "banana" and giving 1,000-to-1.00 odds.
The Lowest odds are for the words "the United States," at 1.01-to-1.00 odds, and "change," at 1.03-to-1.00.

Personally, I’m putting 20 bucks on “Suckas”.


  1. I'm gonna save my money and just take a shot of Thunderbird (cuz I like to keep it classy) every time he says words like "people", "free", "united", "thank", "America", "we", "the", "it", "and"....fuck it.

    my new hustle is renting out my apartment for the inauguration. if someone in Baltimore County can get $500 per night, I know I can get a few dollars. I live downtown..shit!

  2. i'm going to copy that drinking game, only i'm including "proud", "michelle" and "Freedom".



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