Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Munchies – Ben & Jerry’s Coffee, Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz

Coffee is one of those harsh flavors.  It usually lacks any type of subtlety and it tends to overpower anything that’s pared up with it.  It’s a tricky flavor and generally either you like it or you don’t. 

It took me awhile to appreciate coffee as a flavor.  As a kid, I couldn’t wait to try it and was always disappointed.  As an adult I’m a fan of coffee ice cream, but not the beverage.  And I’ve usually got to be in the mood for it. 

And when I saw Coffee, Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz, I got in the mood. 

I’ve got fond memories of coffee ice cream.  When I was a kid it felt like a grown up flavor, but it was never a fun flavor to eat; it just wasn’t sweet enough.  Once I was old enough to learn to savor, that’s when I appreciated it. 

The ice cream itself it rather one-dimensional.  It’s coffee ice cream with chunks of espresso bean fudge.  On the surface there’s really little pizzazz. 

But there is nuance to be found.  The coffee ice cream is perfectly balanced.  It’s not bitter enough to offend those who aren’t fond of coffee while at the same time it’s nowhere near sweet enough to be considered “sweet.” 

The espresso bean fudge is a very nice touch.  As someone who usually not a fan of the fudge chunks found in Ben & Jerry’s offerings, I was very pleasantly surprised.  I loved the way the espresso flecks lingered after a bite was swallowed.  I actually looked forward to the fudge.  And it’s pretty plentiful; you can basically find some in every bite. 

(Full disclosure; I’m a fan of espresso beans.  I liked them chocolate covered.  I like then in toffee.  I enjoy their texture and flavor.)

It’s not a flavor that I could eat every day.  But Coffee, Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz would certainly be a flavor that I could keep in my freezer for special craving.  I’d recommend this flavor to anyone who has regular visits at their local Starbucks.  

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