Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Munchies – Popcorn, Indiana’s White Fudge Hot Cinnamon Drizzlecorn

It’s the time of year when new flavors of familiar snacks begin hitting the shelves.  The quality is never really guaranteed; sometimes it’s a revelation, sometimes it’s an atrocity.  But what is pretty much guaranteed is that I’m going to pick it up and try it out. 

Popcorn, Indiana has been pretty consistently not terrible with their last few offerings.  While I may not have fully enjoyed every bite of a given variety, I’m pretty sure that they’ve never really struck out. 

Will they hold true to form? 

Short answer; no. 

I’m always pretty intrigued by new flavors from Popcorn, Indiana.  But I’m usually stuck with the flavors that I’m the least interested in. I feel like I’ve tried every one of their “drizzlecorn” flavors and yet I always miss the savory flavors. 

I really wanted to try the Wasabi flavor but never got the chance.  Now they’ve got both sriracha and chile cheese flavor popcorn.  I’ll keep my eyes peeled, but I won’t get my hopes up. 

As you might imagine from it’s name White Fudge Hot Cinnamon Drizlecorn has a lot going on.  It starts with kettlecorn which has white fudge drizzled on it and becomes Drizzlecorn. Then it’s sprinkled with “hot” cinnamon, literally, pieces of cinnamon candy akin to red hots, which is to say the worst kind of cinnamon imaginable. 

There’s way too much going on.  The best bite I had had the perfect amount of kettlecorn and cinnamon, to the point where the flavors sort of cancelled each other out.  But a bite that perfect happened exactly once in my serving. 

To me it seems like the good folks at Popcorn, Indiana set their sights too high and as a result they completely missed the target or any semblance of what they were aiming for.   The ratio is completely off; if you pick up a piece chances are you’ll be missing the hot cinnamon or the white fudge, sometimes even the kettle-ness; I’ve had some bland kernels. 

If you’re big on being disappointed, this is the snack for you.  It’s advertized at “hot cinnamon” but more than half of the bites that I had were devoid of anything of the sort.  And that left me in the weird position of being less than happy that I wasn’t eating some popcorn that was loaded with too much. 

At least I’ve got some hope for the savory flavors. 

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