Since Breaking Bad's fourth season is just days away (and I've finally copped my season pass from iTunes) I've decided to totally revamp my tv viewing around it. I've cancelled my second consecutive Netflix free trial (maybe I'll go for my third at some point, I don't know.) You know what that means?
Yup; I've decided to launch my own pseudo television network. I figure, I've got tons of shows on DVD, I might as well set up my viewing programming the way I'd like it to happen.
Oh, admit it; you're curious.
Mondays are pretty easy. Since I'm getting Breaking Bad from iTunes, I won't be able to watch and enjoy the show until Monday at the earliest. Naturally, it's going to be the show I'm looking forward to the most. After that I felt that two episodes of Brotherhood would provide for a nice follow.
Closing things out is an episode of Justice League, which will also close things out on Wednesdays and Fridays. I feel like the Justice League will provide a nice counterbalance to the grit and grime of Breaking Bad and Brotherhood.
Tuesdays starts with Life, the criminally underrated and prematurely cancelled NBC prodcedural. I recently copped the first season which means I've got the complete series.
Then I move onto City of Men the pseudo spinoff of City of God. It requires a bit of reading, but it's a dope show. And Tuesdays (as well as Thursdays) end with Batman Beyond.
Wednesdays is all about great writing. Not only do I plan on watching Mad Men every Wednesday, but I'm going to watching the same episode with commentary immediately afterwards. Mad Men episodes usually have two commentaries per episode and they're always insightful.
I follow up back to back Mad Men episodes with back to back Sports Night episodes. Again, this is was a short lived show, but it's a great one. Aaron Sorkin and Matthew Weiner are two of my favorite show creators. I'm really looking forward to Wednesdays.
For Thursdays I plan on going abroad. I'll start things off with an episode of Rome. I loved the show when it was on HBO (and I'm still holding my breath for a movie.) While I've heard good things about Spartacus, I doubt it's quite as good.
After that I move to MI5. I was a fan of 24 so when I first caught the show on A&E I was slayed. But watching it on DVD means you see complete episodes, with all of the scenes excised for commercials on tv. It's really good stuff.
Finally on Fridays we start off with a comedy one-two punch of Mr. Show and The State. I'm a sucker for good sketch comedy and those were two shows that rocked my world in the 90's.
Then I move onto two episodes of The Shield. I love The Shield. I feel that the character arcs on The Shield are probably unrivaled when it comes to tv shows. In terms of epic television shows, I'd say that it ranks a close second to The Wire.
I'll be taking the weekends off of television. I'll probably do some light reading then or maybe just juicing my pecs.
What? I really don't know what the weekends will hold. Get off my back, will ya?
I mean, I just gave you a daily schedule of what I plan on watching on tv and you're going to hassle me about the weekends?
I'm done.
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