Tuesday, December 23, 2008

F%ck christmas

I don't like what Christmas has become...so I like to use a small "c" to differentiate between christmas and Christmas, because sometimes I get confused. I'm not a christmas kind of guy, cause I don't like to spend money I ain't got. christmas is for rich people. It must be, because no one really believes it's the thought that counts when it comes to gift giving anyway. Give your significant other a hand-crafted do-hickey of some sort (I dare you). and see what kind of upside down looks you get.

More people go into debt fooling with christmas than you can shake a wreath at. Why? Fuck if I know. If you really want to celebrate Christmas give to people that need it, not people that want it. If you're reading this blog you most likely have a job, a home, a pc/laptop, a beverage filled mug or bag of snacks, a dog, a baby- or some permutation of that list. You don't need anything...you just want shit. Poor people ain't got time to read about anything unless it's precise directions to their next meal, a job, or a warm place to park their shopping cart and talk to themselves. I know, I know you're not rich, you got bills- so you like to splurge a little at christmas to make yourself feel better. Well....having bills is a luxury! That dude eating out of the dumpster behind KFC wishes he owed Verizon money. He's cool with that Verizon bill cause that means he might have a job and/or a cell phone, or somewhere to stay besides the dumpster he's diving in behind KFC.

Don't misunderstand kind reader.....I don't have anything against Baby Jesus , or magic resurrected Jesus, or anything. I love Jesus. I just hate what his birthday has been perverted into; an orgy of excess. Christmas (with a big c) is all about peace on earth, goodwill toward mankind, helping people, waiting for that inevitable moment when a baby decides the box Elmo came in is way better then Elmo, and drinking egg nog (elf cum) with people that you love, even if you don't like each other.
So this year just be thankful that you're able to live well beyond your means...and stop wanting shit!


1 comment:

  1. Seriously. If Hay-zeus could see how people behaved this time of year he'd be spinning in his grave.



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