Friday, June 26, 2009

F&S Top 5 Michael Jackson Moments...

After, litterally, minutes of debate, the over worked and underpaid Fish And Spaghetti staff was able to come to an agreement on thier top 5 favorite Michael Jackson moments.

Here they are, in no particular order:

1. Billie Jean:

In the song “Billie Jean”, the part of the song where he’s talking about how billy jean came through to his crib with a photo of the baby, and Michael, even though he insist through most of the song that the kid is not his talks about seeing the picture and laments: “His eyes were like mine (oh no!)…” That is one of the flyest lyrics ever!

2. When he spins around and drops to his knees in the “man in the mirror video” That’s just cool as shit.

3. The Moonwalk. According to legend, one of the members of Shalomar (we’re not sure which incarnation of Shalomar) and Mike Jackson jacked the move, performed it at the Motown 25th Anniversary show and the rest is history.

We don’t condone biting usually, but so many people have gotten filthy rich biting off MJ that he gets a pass.

4. Coming to court in pajamas:

Silent Murda says:

"The next time you show up to court a couple hours late and moonwalk on top of a SUV in your pajamas and you still get to go home, holla!

'Nuff Said!

5. when Michael Jackson saved the ecomony:

This is a preemtive shout out to Mike's farewell present to the world.

Now that he's dead, you can bet that his record sales are going to go through the roof. We here are Fish And Spaghetti are willing to predict that the sales of Michael Jackson albums, and downloads and ringtones are going to single handedly fix the Economy.

Thanks Mike.


  1. Billie Jean is a great song, but Dirty Diana was my jam. The beat was just sick!!!

    when he spins and drops to his knees, it hurts ME! that shit is hot though.

    ol boy from Shalomar didn't make the moonwalk popular so he needs to sit his dumb ass down. NEXT!

    next time I have jury duty, you better know what I'm gonna wear!

    I bet his death will, indeed, improve the economy.

  2. I came back to this post after how many weeks just to say I think Michael Jackson is saving the economy. Have you looked at the stock market lately?



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